Monday 10 June 2013

Email reminder from CCS; Countdown to Relay

Don't forget to bring your camera
If you are registered to receive automatic email updates from Relay For Life and the Canadian Cancer Society, you would have received this reminder today.
It's a friendly last-minute note to assist in fundraising and also includes a list of what you need to bring with you to CASS on Friday night (June 14) for Relay For Life.
Dear Relay Participant:
Are you ready to Relay? In just a few days, you will join with your community to be part of an amazing global movement and an incredible local party!
This year’s Relay For Life in Woodstock 2013 is this Friday at College Avenue Secondary School. The event begins at 7:00 p.m. If you need directions, please view the map.
Before you give 12 hours to the fight against cancer, we wanted to share some information to help you make the most out of Relay:
Last Minute Fundraising
  • If you haven’t reached your fundraising goal, log in to your participant centre and start sending e-mails!
  • Send e-mails to those friends and family who have yet to make a donation and tell them how soon the event is they may just have forgotten to make a pledge and will appreciate the friendly reminder.
What To Pack
  • A tent, chairs, sleeping bags, blankets
  • Sunscreen and bug spray
  • Personal toiletries
  • Extra and comfortable clothing (remember: it can get chilly overnight!)
  • Flashlights, camping light
  • Camera
  • Cooler for drinks, snacks, etc. While food is provided at the event, you may want to coordinate with your team captain and bring snacks to keep you going through the night
  • Money to purchase luminaries
  • Campsite decorations
What Not To Pack
  • Please remember that alcohol, smoking and open fires are not permitted at Relay.
We will Relay come rain or come shine! Don’t forget to check the weather before you come and make sure you have appropriate clothing.
We look forward to seeing you at the event. Get ready for a truly inspirational night!
Thank you again,

Canadian Cancer Society
Relay For Life volunteers and staff

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