Wednesday 11 January 2017

Relay For Life in Woodstock makes request for volunteers

Accept the baton and join organizing committee for annual CCS event

Last year, more than $28 million was raised across Canada

Meetings, meeting and more meetings, but it truly is about being ready for Relay For Life 2017 - June 9 at CASS.
Accept The Baton !
The Relay For Life committee meets again Wednesday, Jan 11 at 7 p.m. at the Canadian Cancer Society office at 65 Springbank Ave North and we could use your assistance . . . your expertise, skills and enthusiasm.
Relay has certainly evolved over the years, but what is always true is that it is a significantly important fundraiser to assist in terrific research projects at the national level, but also to continue the great work of the local Oxford community office.
Consider joining the committee today or contact us as the days and weeks pass as Relay approaches. There are many places and avenues you can volunteer with our event - financing and banking, logistics and setup, promotions and posters, team recruitment, sponsorships and donations, selling luminaries, and of course the food tent crew.
Ready? Set Relay